As a followup to my post about auditioning (and making it!) for a musical, I'd like to ask you what you've tried recently.
We all have a tendency to get caught up in our day-to-day lives, following the same schedule over and over. This can lead to a very frustrating and unfulfilling life. It's important to step outside of your comfort zone every once in a while and stir things up a bit.
Right now, I'm taking an online course to learn how to use Blender (3D sculpting software). It's super hard, but I know I can do it. Last night, I made a block plane all by myself. I can't wait to see how far I will have come in a few more weeks!
So what challenges have you accepted from yourself recently? What new craft, food or activity have you tried? How did it go? Share your successes with me. Feel free to share your failures and what you learned as well.
I can't wait to hear your stories!